Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gathering Geese

Hard to believe it's mid September already.  It was 85 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday, but a cool front is coming in.  Today rain and a high of 76 and starting Friday high temperatures only in the high 60s and low 70s for the next 10 days.  I'm also reminded that fall is coming and almost here by the increase of Canadian geese I've been seeing and hearing.  The sound of their honking as they fly overhead is unmistakable.

Source:  Wikipedia

Even though they are called Canadian geese, they live throughout Canada, the U.S. and even parts of northern Mexico.  They've even started making their way to parts of northern Europe.  Most geese migrate, but some stay put all year around if food sources are available.  The geese eat mostly grasses, grains and aquatic plants, although they have also been seen eating insects and an occasional fish.  Geese are monogamous and mate for life.

Geese are so prolific in some places they're considered pests.  It was a flock of geese that brought down the famous plane that had to make a landing in the Hudson River after taking off from LaGuardia.  When I was working at Simmons College, geese had invaded the campus.  One of the development people finally brought in her border collie to help discourage their presence.  He was taken outside several times a day to chase them away. There are airports that have dogs to help keep geese and other birds away from runway areas.  Some areas even cull flocks of geese by gassing they've become such a nuisance.

Source:  Wikipedia

If I was inundated with geese I might feel differently, but I don't think I will ever tire of the sight of geese flying in their V formation and the sound of their honking as they go by.  For a video with more information, click here.  To see them flying in formation and honking, click here (in this video they're actually flying in a check mark formation!).

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