Monday, April 16, 2012

Saturday Sundries

Saturday was about 72 degrees, sunshine with a light breeze blowing - absolutely gorgeous.  I spent the morning and early afternoon putting fresh sheets on the bed, washing my 'winter' quilt, and running errands.  After I had brought in all the packages from the car, I stood on the porch talking to the outside kitties and enjoying the warmth.  I had seen the woodchuck, or perhaps I should say A woodchuck, many times already but whenever it saw me it would run under the shed.  This time it actually came toward me and munched on a few seeds that had fallen from the bird feeder as a I stood very still.  I moved just slightly and it took off for the shed again.  Our first encounter!  I went in and got a carrot and a few peanuts and put them out on the patio between me and the shed - closer to the shed side - and waited to see what happened.  The woodchuck was peering around the corner of the house and saw what I did.  I went back to stand on the porch and the woodchuck approached cautiously.  It found the carrot and peanuts and sat and ate while I stood on the porch.  It ate quite a bit but then must have heard something because suddenly he was off to the shed.  Back inside to get my camera and when I went in the backyard it peeked out from under the shed.  So here are the first woodchuck photos of the season.

Last year I had woodchucks that would take carrots out of my hand, so we'll see what happens this year.

The blossoms on my mystery tree/bush are in full bloom.

They really are very pretty and almost look like apple blossoms.  (Didn't notice any apples or any other fruit growing on it last year!)  They don't really have much scent.  It's going to need some pruning because it's not in the center of the yard and much too close to my neighbor's house.  If I keep trimming it back maybe it will stay small.  I hate to get rid of it completely even though it did start growing right in the middle of my rosemary.

I also tried to take a picture of two big bumblebees in a standoff, but once I got the photo off my camera, I couldn't even see the bumblebees!  FAIL!  Guess you'll just have to take my word for it!

Then I spent a couple of minutes trying to get a starling to take a few pieces of cat food out of my hand.  Yeah, that was a fail too although the starling did consider it.

So all in all it was a pretty good Saturday, especially since I got my taxes done on Friday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. We have a tree with those same blossoms (no scent) growing wild in the woods by our house along the street. I don't have any idea what it is, but the blossoms are so pretty just tinged with pink. No fruit ever either!

    Please don't feed the wood chuck with your hand! You need all the fingers you still have!! Plus, tetanus shots are no fun and rabies shots are even worse. They have wicked teeth.

    Mom used to feed the alligator in our lake behind our house in Florida chicken bones with a pair of tongs!!!!!!! Not saying that was very smart ... :)
