Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reason for Being

When describing a tranquil paddle in a canoe around Green Turtle Pond on a sunny Sunday morning, my friend Lynne commented on HER blog that she was ‘worshiping in the temple of nature’.  (My favorite place to worship as well.)  Thus the title for MY blog.  My purpose is to celebrate things in our natural world.  On a day when he was feeling invaded by the things, my cousin commented to me, ‘What good are flies!’  I tried to answer his question.  I’m not sure I convinced him, but I attempted to point out that every living creature on this earth does, indeed, have a purpose, even if we're not sure what it is sometimes, and usually more than just being brunch for something higher up on the food chain.  My posts will include some personal favorite things from my own backyard, but the majority will be about things definitely NOT in my backyard.  These musings are strictly my feelings about the ordinary that we may take for granted, the awe-inspiring, the bizarre, and sometimes even the disgusting, according to our human sensibilities (stay tuned for spider week, my salute to slugs, and dung beetle day!).  I hope you enjoy the journey and find it interesting. 

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