Friday, November 12, 2010

Wondrous Whale Sharks

The biggest fish in the ocean is the whale shark.  They can be more than 40 feet in length and weigh more than 20 tons, although this may be a very conservative estimate.  The biggest fish in the ocean eats some of the smallest creatures in the sea.  Unlike most sharks, the whale shark is a filter feeder and swims with its huge mouth open (it can be up to 5 feet wide) as it scoops up plankton, krill, and sometimes small fish.  And the whale shark's mouth can contain upwards of 3000 small teeth.

Whale sharks live in warm temperate waters and can often be found around coral reefs.  Each whale shark has a unique pattern of spots by which individuals can be identified and they have the thickest skin of any animal on the planet.

Whale sharks are wanderers and can travel thousands of miles going from feeding site to feeding site.  In the spring they are regular visitors to the Ningaloo Marine Park in Australia.  Whale sharks don't reach maturity until 25 to 30 years of age, and it is believed that they can live up to 100 years.  The biggest threat to humans from this shark is accidentally getting slapped by its large tail.  The biggest threat to the whale shark is us.  This behemoth is truly a gentle giant.  To see an amazing video and learn more, click here.

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