Monday, April 4, 2011

The Plated Pangolin

In my post about the Giant Anteater I promised a post on the anteater's 'cousin'.  Another strange looking creature that also likes ants and termites is the pangolin.  I'd say that strange looks run in the family (which also includes sloths and the somewhat look-alike armadillo), but recent DNA testing shows that the pangolin is actually more closely related to the cat family!  Does this look like a cat to you?

Sometimes called the scaly anteater, the armor that covers the pangolin is made of keratin, like your fingernails.  Thankfully for the mom, when young pangolins are born their scales are soft, but harden as they grow older.  Like the anteater, the pangolin has the equipment needed to open termite mounds and ant nests - sharp claws.  And they also have the requisite long, sticky tongue for scooping up ants and termites.  And also like the anteater a pangolin has no teeth.

In the face of danger, the pangolin can curl up in a ball to protect itself. Besides its armor, the pangolin has one more trick up its sleeve - it can spray a noxious acid like a skunk.

Source:  Bizarre Bites

There are eight species of pangolins and they are found in Asia and Africa.  The tree pangolin uses its tail to hang from branches and searches for bugs in the tree bark.  Unfortunately, pangolins are hunted and eaten; its meat is considered a delicacy in China.  And numbers are declining due to deforestation.  Luckily there are some people ready and willing to help.

Tree Pangolin  Photo by Valerius Tygart  Source:  Wikipedia

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