Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baby Alert!!!

Last night I was watching out the kitchen window and saw that my raccoon was there.  Then I noticed movement to the right of her and saw that there was a second raccoon.  I went to the door to look out and get a better view and was thrilled to see that the second raccoon was a baby!  I quietly opened the door and went out on my steps.  Either I disturbed them or mama had just finished eating because she started walking away going between my house and my shed with baby waddling right behind.  I followed their progress past my second shed, over my neighbor's chain link fence and up a big tree.  I was surprised that mom didn't pick the youngster up and carry it back up the tree, but baby seemed to have no problem - going right up the tree with mom beside it.  Then mom stretched out across a branch and baby kept going a little higher.  As I watched there was more movement and I realized that there was a second baby!  I watched for a while as the youngsters wrestled and played with mom still resting on a branch with little concern for the toddlers.

The tree where the raccoons live is behind my backyard in my neighbor's yard.  Part of the trunk is hollow.

See the hole right above the roof of the shed?  Here's a closer look.

I'll be trying to get some baby photos and hope to put them up Monday or Tuesday.

Sunday morning update:  I waited patiently with my camera last night, but momma came by herself while there was still some light.  Then around 11:00/11:30 pm mom came back with THREE babies.  They are adorable, but of course it was too dark to get pictures.  I'll keep trying.

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