Monday, June 27, 2011

The Sly Slow Loris

I want to introduce you to another unusual primate.  There are five recognized species of the slow loris and they are found from India to Indochina.  The most unusual characteristic of this primate is that it's the only confirmed poisonous primate on the planet.  It carries a secretion in a gland on its arm and mixed with its saliva can deliver a toxic bite.  While the toxin can cause a painful swelling in humans, it is more lethal to their predators than their prey.  Hard to believe that it's a potentially dangerous animal when you see how utterly cute it is.

Source:  Animals Zone

What big eyes you have.  All the better to see you with, my dear.  Especially at night.  The slow loris is nocturnal and has an opposable thumb like other primates, but its thumb is at an angle of almost 180 degrees to the rest of its fingers. And it has a longer fourth toe.  Between the two it has an ability to grasp branches with great dexterity which is a good thing since it lives in the rainforest canopy and rarely leaves the trees.  Remind you of the mouse lemurs?  They look similar, but it is not a lemur.

It was named the slow loris because of its ability to move slowly and deliberately, but maybe they have been misnamed because they are capable of moving quickly if need be.  Their diet consists mainly of insects, fruit, flower nectar and tree gums.  They range in size from 7 to 15 inches long depending on the species.

All species are either vulnerable or endangered from both habitat loss and the illegal pet trade (just too cute for their own good).  They are also hunted for use as traditional medicine.  For a video, click here.

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